SCULPTRA® – Rejuvenation with Longer-Lasting Results

Sun shining on Mom and Daughters as they kiss her cheek

Sculptra® – Rejuvenation with Longer-Lasting Results

Sculptra® is a dermal filler that has gained significant popularity in recent years because of its unique approach to facial rejuvenation that provides a long-lasting solution to facial wrinkles, lines, and creases. Approved by the FDA for cosmetic use since 2009, it has been used in Europe since 1999. It has since become a go-to option for those seeking a more youthful appearance without surgery.

Sculptra’s unique mechanism of action makes it a particularly attractive option for individuals seeking a gradual and natural-looking improvement in their skin’s texture and volume.

We asked Alexandre Becker, RN, from Bend Dermatology Clinic to answer some questions about Sculptra as we explore Sculptra’s effectiveness in addressing facial aging, how it differs from other fillers in the market, its longevity, and what to expect during and after treatment.

Q: What is Sculptra, and how does it work?

Sculptra is a prescription injectable cosmetic product used to restore facial volume and improve the appearance of wrinkles and folds. It is considered a bio-stimulatory filler made up of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a substance that is naturally found in the body.

When injected under the skin, PLLA stimulates the production of collagen, which helps to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Collagen is a protein that gives skin strength and elasticity. As we age, our bodies slow down the production of this vital protein, which starts to show on our faces through wrinkles and loss of volume.

As Sculptra stimulates the production of collagen, the deep, underlying structure of the skin is restored, the skin becomes plumper, and the appearance of wrinkles and folds is reduced. This process is gradual; you will see results within four to eight weeks of your treatment, depending on the patient. Your results will be more natural looking and longer lasting than other injectable fillers that generally last around ten months.

Q: What does Sculptra treat?

Sculptra is FDA-approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (the lines that run from the nose to the mouth), marionette lines (the lines that run from the corners of the mouth to the chin), and chin wrinkles.

It can also improve the appearance of sunken cheeks and jowls. And as of April 26, 2023, the FDA has approved Sculptra for the correction of fine lines and wrinkles in the cheek area (see Market Insider news release here).

Q: How is Sculptra different from other fillers?

This unique injectable filler differs from others in several ways.

Unlike traditional hyaluronic acid fillers that provide immediate volume to the treatment area, Sculptra works gradually by stimulating the body’s natural collagen production. This means that the results of Sculptra can last up to two years or more, making it a longer-lasting option compared to other injectables.

Additionally, Sculptra can treat larger areas of the face, such as the temples and cheeks, whereas other fillers are typically used for smaller, more localized areas.

Finally, Sculptra is often used for patients who desire a more subtle and natural-looking improvement, as the results are achieved gradually and without the appearance of over-filling or puffiness.

Q: Will I need multiple treatments for the best results?

Sculptra is typically administered in a series of four to six treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart. The results are gradual and may take several months to develop fully. However, the results can be long-lasting, with some people seeing results lasting up to two years.

Q: What should I expect on the day of treatment and after?

Your rejuvenation journey will always start with a consultation. While the consultation is the best time for your provider to review your medical history, it is also essential for you to ask questions and explain what you are trying to achieve. This conversation will ensure that the best treatment plan is put in place. In addition, always make sure your treatments are being administered by a trained healthcare professional to avoid any complications.

On the day of your treatment, the targeted area will be cleaned, and an anesthetic may be used to make you more comfortable. Then, the provider will inject Sculptra underneath the skin with a thin needle at the desired treatment sites.

Sculptra does not require downtime, so you can go about your normal activities after your session. As with any medical procedure, some potential risks and side effects are associated with a Sculptra treatment. These include bruising, swelling, redness, and tenderness at the injection site. This may last a few days. In rare cases, more serious side effects can occur, such as infection, delayed onset nodules, allergic reaction, and changes in skin pigmentation.

Q: Is Sculptra safe for everyone?

Yes, Sculptra is a safe dermal filler that has been used since 2009 for cosmetic use here in the U.S. Sculptra is not recommended for patients who are pregnant, lactating, breastfeeding, or under 18 years of age. Its safety and effectiveness have not been evaluated on these patients or patients with bleeding disorders, active hepatitis, cancer, myocardial infarction, or on any immunosuppressive therapy.

To learn more about Sculptra and all the services we offer in medical and cosmetic dermatology, visit our website at or schedule a consultation online.

Originally published “Sculptra® – Rejuvenation with Longer-Lasting Results
(July 5, 2023) Bend Magazine